'Lucy Sessions is a professional singer, a qualified teacher, songwriter and is the founder of 'Voice Medicine.'
- A unique practice, that brings together various modalities to explore the physical, emotional and mental benefits to singing and the expressive arts. Designed to support healing processes through self- expression and voicework.
As an artist she has performed across Europe, Mexico & Central America, and has written and recorded 4 albums and collaborated on many artistic projects.
She is a teacher of Music, Performing Arts, Creative writing and has over 20 year's experience, delivering workshops, retreats and courses.
Lucy also holds a qualification in Theta Healing, a technique designed to identify and dissolve limiting belief systems that can create blocks to our full potential.
Lucy has had the opportunity to learn from various 'Curaderas' - traditional healers from the America's, which has helped to deepen her own path into the mystic, alternative cosmovisions and understand the benefits of ritual and ceremony or 'magic of the psyche'.
From the Ashes: Grief work
Lucy offers accompaniment & support through one to one work, online and in person, group work and personalized retreats.
She is a certified Grief Educator through world leading grief specialist and author David Kessler's training programme.
Lucy honours the memory of her daughter: Issa Ixchel by bringing together the strings of her bow to offer: 'From the Ashes': a creative approach to grief, encompassing expression through the arts and personalized ceremony and ritual. Lucy leads retreats (both individual & group), facilitates workshops and offers one to one support.
Singing, Songwriting & Performance
As a singer, Lucy has also racked up a considerable number of live performances, having sang at thousands of shows, in a variety of settings, in different bands, genres and as a solo artist, throughout the UK, Europe, Mexico and Central America. Lucy has recorded 4 albums and taken part in numerous writing and recording collaboration with a variety of artists.
Participation in a myriad of projects that cross genres and continents, has led her to the crafting of the unique and distinguished sound of her solo project: 'Lucy Lupita'. Drawing upon a wide range of musical influences from Gospel to Folk, Dub Reggae to Jazz, Lucy constructs her songs by combining layers of vocal harmonies, with gentle percussion and organic instruments to create an atmosphere of ethereal sounds and grooves.
'Heartfelt and emotionally - charged performances engage and capture audiences, mesmerized by her lush vocals and individual style.'
Sound Healing
'Sonic Heart' - Dreaming in Song time.
A project developed with Mexican musician and artist Adrian Arturo which aims to transport the listener into an altered state of conciousness, a deep Theta state and to travel a sonic & somatic journey. Using harp, drum, voice and a variety of instruments both acoustic and electronic, this experiece is unique every time. It is an improvised concert, allowing something other than oursleves to come through and moving out of the way to allow ourselves as musicians, as singers, to be 'sung', to be used as an intrument of that which is greater, a force at once external and internal. This musical experience is both relaxing and restorative and is a concert like no other.
Follow this link to hear more: https://soundcloud.com/songs-of-a-dreamtime/dream-arp?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
- A unique practice, that brings together various modalities to explore the physical, emotional and mental benefits to singing and the expressive arts. Designed to support healing processes through self- expression and voicework.
As an artist she has performed across Europe, Mexico & Central America, and has written and recorded 4 albums and collaborated on many artistic projects.
She is a teacher of Music, Performing Arts, Creative writing and has over 20 year's experience, delivering workshops, retreats and courses.
Lucy also holds a qualification in Theta Healing, a technique designed to identify and dissolve limiting belief systems that can create blocks to our full potential.
Lucy has had the opportunity to learn from various 'Curaderas' - traditional healers from the America's, which has helped to deepen her own path into the mystic, alternative cosmovisions and understand the benefits of ritual and ceremony or 'magic of the psyche'.
From the Ashes: Grief work
Lucy offers accompaniment & support through one to one work, online and in person, group work and personalized retreats.
She is a certified Grief Educator through world leading grief specialist and author David Kessler's training programme.
Lucy honours the memory of her daughter: Issa Ixchel by bringing together the strings of her bow to offer: 'From the Ashes': a creative approach to grief, encompassing expression through the arts and personalized ceremony and ritual. Lucy leads retreats (both individual & group), facilitates workshops and offers one to one support.
Singing, Songwriting & Performance
As a singer, Lucy has also racked up a considerable number of live performances, having sang at thousands of shows, in a variety of settings, in different bands, genres and as a solo artist, throughout the UK, Europe, Mexico and Central America. Lucy has recorded 4 albums and taken part in numerous writing and recording collaboration with a variety of artists.
Participation in a myriad of projects that cross genres and continents, has led her to the crafting of the unique and distinguished sound of her solo project: 'Lucy Lupita'. Drawing upon a wide range of musical influences from Gospel to Folk, Dub Reggae to Jazz, Lucy constructs her songs by combining layers of vocal harmonies, with gentle percussion and organic instruments to create an atmosphere of ethereal sounds and grooves.
'Heartfelt and emotionally - charged performances engage and capture audiences, mesmerized by her lush vocals and individual style.'
Sound Healing
'Sonic Heart' - Dreaming in Song time.
A project developed with Mexican musician and artist Adrian Arturo which aims to transport the listener into an altered state of conciousness, a deep Theta state and to travel a sonic & somatic journey. Using harp, drum, voice and a variety of instruments both acoustic and electronic, this experiece is unique every time. It is an improvised concert, allowing something other than oursleves to come through and moving out of the way to allow ourselves as musicians, as singers, to be 'sung', to be used as an intrument of that which is greater, a force at once external and internal. This musical experience is both relaxing and restorative and is a concert like no other.
Follow this link to hear more: https://soundcloud.com/songs-of-a-dreamtime/dream-arp?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

"My musical journey has been anything but conventional and is profoundly interwined with my travels, I have had many adventures and lived many lives along the way, I have been taken down rabbit holes ,which have led to bamboo forests, mountain caves, big stages, little stages and most of all, an exploration of self & of the mystic, through music & song.
I started singing when I was 17, having the opportunity to perform with Jim Rodford's ( the Bass player from the famous British band 'The Kinks'. Jazz band, .and so began my musical journey.
At 19, I left England to sing in a Jazz and Blues band in Old Nice, France, and by 21, I was singing back -up vocals in the Caribbean Islands of St Croix and St Thomas, in a Reggae band called 'Culture Vibes'.
It was here that I cut my teeth learning to work and perform in a band. In between I had managed to graduate from a BA Honours in Creative and Performance studies & Philosophy of Religion at the University of Portsmouth, UK.
After my Caribbean adventure, I co-created 'Calquahoun'; a fusion and world music band, where I shared lead vocals.
We played regularly on the South Coast of the UK and then stepped outer -national to return to the US Virgin Isles and Antigua.
My next project was to sing and write in the Brighton band 'Jahmma' a five year project which boasted nationalities stretching from Eygpt - Madagascar, Indonesia and the Caribbean; that saw regular performances across the UK, at festivals, carnivals, and included the awesome experience of supporting legendary artists 'The Wailers', 'Sly and Robbie' among others.
At this point in my story I was a regular feature - singing free style, on some of the UK Dub Sound Systems, including Unity HIFI, Defcon, Kings Hifi, and Channel One.
In 2009 I went on to be part of the Brighton project 'Satta', a live sound system combining turntables and live flute, sax, trumpet and myself on vocals. This led to a collaboration between myself and producer'; Rob O Hara - aka 'Mute Speaker' and together, we wrote, recorded and produced an E.P. and Album, which we performed extensively at venues and festivals in the U.K. and Ireland.
In 2012 I left the UK for what was to be a 6 month recording project in Mexico, as it goes sometimes in life, it turned out to be an epic adventure from which I have never returned.
I have now been living in Mexico for over 10 years, have recorded 3 albums, and have firmly established myself as a recording artist, performer, facilitator and retreat leader.
I have developed my own solo project using a Loop pedal titled 'Luz y Lupita, and I founded 'Voice Medicine' ; a therapeutic process for facilitating transformation and expression through singing and voice work.
I was also fortunate enough to train in 'Theta Healing' and study with other healers, teachers of traditional medicine & 'Curanderismo' here in Mexico. This has led to a development of my sound healing and theta - state work and given a much deeper dimension to the work I do and the music I create.
I am a qualified teacher of Creative Arts, holding a BA Honours and a Post -Graduate teaching qualification (QTS).
I taught for over 10 years in the UK in a variety of settings, including secondary education, special needs and delvered music workshops for child refugees and asylum seekers.
Since then, I have worked independently, designing and facilitating group classes, workshops and one to one sessions.
The extension of my work can be experienced as a personalized retreat, held at Casa Ixchel, my home in the mountains of Southern Mexico.
My journey has been anything but conventional and it has permitted me to learn many skills along the way. My variety of experience has informed the work I do and the music I write.
My latest project is a collaboration with UK producer 'Jackarack', a 5 track E.P. 'Cat in the Cupboard'
which was written and recorded in Mexico, mixed and produced in the United Kingdom.
And so the journey continues onwards...'
I started singing when I was 17, having the opportunity to perform with Jim Rodford's ( the Bass player from the famous British band 'The Kinks'. Jazz band, .and so began my musical journey.
At 19, I left England to sing in a Jazz and Blues band in Old Nice, France, and by 21, I was singing back -up vocals in the Caribbean Islands of St Croix and St Thomas, in a Reggae band called 'Culture Vibes'.
It was here that I cut my teeth learning to work and perform in a band. In between I had managed to graduate from a BA Honours in Creative and Performance studies & Philosophy of Religion at the University of Portsmouth, UK.
After my Caribbean adventure, I co-created 'Calquahoun'; a fusion and world music band, where I shared lead vocals.
We played regularly on the South Coast of the UK and then stepped outer -national to return to the US Virgin Isles and Antigua.
My next project was to sing and write in the Brighton band 'Jahmma' a five year project which boasted nationalities stretching from Eygpt - Madagascar, Indonesia and the Caribbean; that saw regular performances across the UK, at festivals, carnivals, and included the awesome experience of supporting legendary artists 'The Wailers', 'Sly and Robbie' among others.
At this point in my story I was a regular feature - singing free style, on some of the UK Dub Sound Systems, including Unity HIFI, Defcon, Kings Hifi, and Channel One.
In 2009 I went on to be part of the Brighton project 'Satta', a live sound system combining turntables and live flute, sax, trumpet and myself on vocals. This led to a collaboration between myself and producer'; Rob O Hara - aka 'Mute Speaker' and together, we wrote, recorded and produced an E.P. and Album, which we performed extensively at venues and festivals in the U.K. and Ireland.
In 2012 I left the UK for what was to be a 6 month recording project in Mexico, as it goes sometimes in life, it turned out to be an epic adventure from which I have never returned.
I have now been living in Mexico for over 10 years, have recorded 3 albums, and have firmly established myself as a recording artist, performer, facilitator and retreat leader.
I have developed my own solo project using a Loop pedal titled 'Luz y Lupita, and I founded 'Voice Medicine' ; a therapeutic process for facilitating transformation and expression through singing and voice work.
I was also fortunate enough to train in 'Theta Healing' and study with other healers, teachers of traditional medicine & 'Curanderismo' here in Mexico. This has led to a development of my sound healing and theta - state work and given a much deeper dimension to the work I do and the music I create.
I am a qualified teacher of Creative Arts, holding a BA Honours and a Post -Graduate teaching qualification (QTS).
I taught for over 10 years in the UK in a variety of settings, including secondary education, special needs and delvered music workshops for child refugees and asylum seekers.
Since then, I have worked independently, designing and facilitating group classes, workshops and one to one sessions.
The extension of my work can be experienced as a personalized retreat, held at Casa Ixchel, my home in the mountains of Southern Mexico.
My journey has been anything but conventional and it has permitted me to learn many skills along the way. My variety of experience has informed the work I do and the music I write.
My latest project is a collaboration with UK producer 'Jackarack', a 5 track E.P. 'Cat in the Cupboard'
which was written and recorded in Mexico, mixed and produced in the United Kingdom.
And so the journey continues onwards...'